Saturday, March 1, 2008


Is it weird that it's less than 30 degrees out and I really want ice cream? Haha.
Well I am really tired. My boyfriend and I decided to take his sister's cat because she just had a baby and the cat was a little jealous. She's probably the friendliest cat ever. You could literally pet her for two seconds and she'll start purring. She meows a lot though. Like she wakes me up meowing for no reason. It's weird, but I'm thinking she's just getting used to things here.
Anyways I'm really excited to see my best friend tonight. We doing the double date thing because our boyfriends are really good friends too. So she lives like an hour away and we're going to meet her over there and go out for dinner and stuff.
Oh and here's a pic of Miss Meow-a-lot:

She's not very photogenic. lol. Plus this pic was taken on my cell but I swear she's cute.

Happy Weekend!

P.S. Fight spam with spampoison. ;) I hate spammers.