Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I love free stuff

So as I was browsing the net as usual, I came across PC Magazine's list of the Best Free Software! It's a great long list, full of some really awesome software - and it's all free!

Here's a few things i use (and like!):

OpenOffice - Like Microsoft Office but free (and in my opinion better!).

AVG Anti-virus (the free version) - Anti-virus software, I've been using it for years. Works great.

Zone Alarm Free - Zone Alarm (firewall), but free. I've been using this one for years as well.

BatteryStatus - Tells you all sorts of cool info about your laptop battery.

Yahoo! Widgets - Cool things for your desktop, I like the Post-it one and the TV guide one, although there are many awesome others.

YouConvertIt - A beta website that converts files, I think it can be useful.

Mint - A service that lets you add your online bank & credit card info and helps you keep track plus has money saving tips.

Firefox Add-ons - I don't use the ones listed, but there are tons of others.

Games - again, I don't play of the ones listed, but I think that Boomshine is addicting.

Have fun!