Life with my boyfriend is finally starting to feel like home. It only took a little less than three months. I know, sounds like a long time...but I am very close to my family and it's hard for me to be away from them - even if it is only twenty minutes. It's weird though - looking around my kitchen and seeing all this "grown-up" stuff...a coffeemaker, crockpot, fridge FULL of food... It seems like people my age (eighteen) should maybe have a coffeemaker...but definitely not a crockpot or a full fridge.
Anyways, enough of my silly ramblings.
Today is one of my best friends' 20th birthday! I really want to have a party for him tonight, but I'm not sure if he and my boyfriend will have to work tomorrow (they work for the same place). I really hope not though, because I'm looking for an excuse to make a red velvet cake...besides the fact that I want one. Hey I've been trying to eat a few more veggies and a little less cake...you can imagine how well that's going. :)